Asphalt Vocabulary


A mixture of aggregates (crushed rock, sand, or gravel), binder and filler, used to build and maintain roads and parking areas.  This is made with petroleum so pricing is driven by fuel costs.

Asphalt Overlay:  

A patch placed on top of existing asphalt where some cracking or potholing has occurred. Usually used when the asphalt is only wearing out in patches. 

Chip Seal

Spraying hot tar down on existing asphalt then applying chipped rock on top. This layer is then rolled with a rubber tire roller to pack it into the tar. This adds a layer of rock over the asphalt, giving it extended life. Used for roads and high traffic areas.


A mixture of stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water, that can be spread or poured into molds. Concrete is not made of the same materials or cared for in the same manner as asphalt.  


A protective coating applied to asphalt-based pavements which provides protection from water, oil, and sun damage. Sealcoating is a preventative measure to protect your asphalt from deteriorating and is recommended every 2-3 years.  Also referred to as blacktop sealant.

Slurry Seal:  

A thin coating which fills in cracks and surface imperfections to create a uniform color and texture and prevents water damage which causes pavement degradation. Slurry seal contains larger aggregates than sealcoat, so it is usually a slightly thicker coating. Typically used for residential streets with low to moderate distress and narrow crack widths. This is not typically used in Missoula.


Traffic paint applied to a parking lot to define traffic flow, parking spaces and more. 


Covering a surface with asphalt or concrete to form a firm, level surface. 

Infrared Asphalt Repair:  

A technique to repair asphalt using an infrared heater to warm the damaged asphalt to a malleable state. Then, new asphalt is added and the two combine seamlessly to form a new layer of asphalt fitted perfectly to the surrounding road covering.  This eliminates having a seam where water is allowed to penetrate and ultimately cause the asphalt to fail.

Sealcoating Facts

(n) the application of a sealing coat to a paved surface in order to prolong its integrity.
(v) the act of beautifying and extending the life of a paved driveway or parking lot

Sealcoating Facts:

  • UV rays from the sun, and inclement weather such as rain, snow and ice can all damage your asphalt driveway over time, causing premature fading, cracking and pothole formations. Sealcoating protects your asphalt from these elements.
  • Sealcoating accelerates the melting process of snow and ice on pavement surfaces. The black color absorbs heat and energy produced by the sun, which results in higher surface temperatures. This helps to protect against water penetration, rain, frost and snow damage.
  • The price of asphalt will always be affected by crude oil, which fluctuates when supplies vary. The low cost of regular sealcoating can save you money in the long run. A properly maintained and sealed asphalt surface has an extended lifetime and reduces long-term repair costs. Sealcoating preserves asphalt for pennies per square foot.
  • With exposure to the elements, asphalt pavement fades from black to gray and eventually to nearly white in appearance. A fresh sealcoat application enhances the appearance of asphalt, making it look and wear like new.
  • Prior to pavement sealing, the asphalt surface should be cleared of all dirt and debris. In addition, cracks should be filled with crack seal.
  • Sealcoating is typically done using one of two application methods: spray or squeegee.
  • Sealcoated parking lots are striped after completion. Striping improves the appearance of the location, is essential for safety within parking lots, assists with traffic flow and is governed by ADA requirements.

Winter Storm Tips

Winter Storm Tips

Be prepared!

Have food and water, fuel, medications, batteries, and blankets on hand. Have good tires on your vehicle prior to the first storm. Tire shops will be much less busy prior to the first snowfall. Allow extra time to reach your destination. Prepare your vehicle for winter driving by carrying an ice scraper, phone charger, emergency kit, and alway keeping fuel levels at a half tank or more.

Be smart!

If you choose to brave the elements, dress properly for the weather, including a hat, scarf, coat, mittens, socks and water-resistant footwear. This does not include stilettos! Laugh, but you’d be surprised at how many falls and/or trips to the ER are due to high-heeled shoes in the winter. Like tires, make sure footwear has good tread! When walking at night, wear outer clothing that contrasts with the white snow so you can be seen.

Be aware!

Watch where you are going. Pay attention to traffic and traffic signals. Leave your phone in your pocket. Don’t assume a vehicle can stop just because they’re supposed to. The roads may be slippery and they may have forgotten to get snow tires on! Expect ice on bridges and in shady spots.

Be well!

Prevent hypothermia and frostbite by wearing layers of loose, warm clothes. Wool is best. Cover your mouth while outside to protect your lungs from the extreme cold. Keep dry; wet clothing loses all of its insulating value and transmits heat rapidly.

Be safe!

AAA suggests the following for driving safely: Avoid using cruise control in wintry conditions. Steer in the direction of a skid so when your wheels regain traction, you don’t have to overcorrect to stay in your lane. Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Increase following distance to 8 to 10 seconds. If possible, don’t stop when going uphill. When the rain and snow start to fall, so do people. Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal injuries in adults 45 and older. Protect yourself from a life-changing injury this winter by choosing the right shoe, leaving early, walk like a penguin by taking short steps and walk as flat-footed as possible on ice or slippery ground, and keep your hands free and out of your pockets so you can help balance!

Fun Fact: If a snow storm covers the entire state of Montana, the miles required to plow the whole system equates to 1 time around the earth and will be accomplished within 24 hours!

Snowplow Safety Tips for Passenger Vehicles and Other Drivers

In Montana, winter is synonymous with snowplows! Drivers need to keep a few points in mind to be safe around plows. Snowplow drivers are often driving in limited visibility. This is certainly true if it’s still snowing. They are doing a dangerous but incredibly important job. Drive defensively and give them room. Snowplows typically travel at speeds slower than most traffic, especially while plowing. Although this may make you impatient, driving a safe distance behind them is necessary. While we are familiar with seeing county snowplows on the roads and highways, remember private snowplow companies are in parking lots and driveways as well. Though most work is preferably done at night, Mother Nature sometimes forgets to cooperate, thus requiring the need to clear snow during the day. This is being done for your safety and convenience so extending the driver some grace while they’re working is helpful. Parking lots offer additional challenges as the plow trucks will need to back up frequently. Whether driving or walking, remember to stay a safe distance away from them. Please watch for flashing lights and don’t assume they see you. Although it is their job to be safe it’s also your job to be prudent. Safety and sensibility from both parties saves lives.

Humble Beginnings

Joe and Traci Baumgardner started Pro Sweep in 2001 with a single sweeper truck. The business grew and expanded exponentially. Additional services such as mowing, fertilizing, irrigation, arboriculture, pressure washing, snowplowing, and asphalt repair enabled Pro Sweep to manage maintenance needs on commercial properties. In 2018, Pro Sweep Plus was sold to a family from Florida. However, in December 2019, Joe and Traci resumed ownership of the business. With new energy and excitement, many changes were implemented. The original logo was replaced with a fresh, modern look and a nod to the new direction of becoming PSP instead of Pro Sweep Plus. Current employees took on new positions .  Zach Baumgardner moved into the Vice President position. As the son of the Baumgardner’s, Zach has been working in the business since he was 6! Becoming the vice president was a natural move for him. He knows the business as well as Joe. Two employees took on managerial roles and the footprint was expanded for new growth. The newest service addition is concrete lifting, which raises sunken concrete using poly foam injection. On February 5th, PSP acquired a new, huge warehouse with 7 acres of property. Massive growth is on the horizon! Stay tuned for more exciting changes and services during PSP Phase 2!

Joe Baumgardner Article Pro Sweep Plus